Any inorganic compound being an acid.
Examples for "inorganic acid "
Examples for "inorganic acid "
1 Malonic acid, an organic acid, was found to remove heavy metals better as compared to nitric acid, a strong inorganic acid .
2 Her fluid excrements will contain carbonate of potash and soda, together with compounds of the same bases with inorganic acids .
3 To inorganic acids , except hydrochloric, it is highly resistant, ranking well with tin in this respect; but alkalis dissolve it quickly.
1 If a blue sugar paper is turned red, it is a mineral acid .
2 Addition of the salt solution to the mineral acid , with stirring, avoids this difficulty.
3 If it were a mineral acid and less diluted, the combination would not take place without effervescence.]
4 The solution before titration must contain no free mineral acid , but 5 or 10 c.c.
5 Mr. Thompson originally claimed that the use of carbonic acid gas rendered the employment of a mineral acid for souring unnecessary.
6 The hydrazones are best prepared by mixing the aldehyde with phenylhydrazine in dilute acetic acid solution, in the absence of any free mineral acid .
7 Aqueous solutions of mineral acids are often used for etching purposes.
8 Mineral acids : Chalk, or calcined magnesia, or baking soda; later give linseed tea and opium.
9 These show clearly the interference of free mineral acids , although very dilute hydrochloric acid (1 c.c.
10 Boiling with dilute mineral acids , or baryta water, decomposes albumins into carbon dioxide, ammonia and fatty amino- and other acids.
11 Roots especially supply an abundance of alkaline salts which are highly necessary to balance up an excess of mineral acids found in seeds.
12 They are all strong bases, readily forming salts with the mineral acids and double salts with the chlorides of gold, platinum and mercury.
13 ''Spongin,'' the matrix of bath-sponge, is insoluble in water and dilute acids, but soluble in concentrated mineral acids .
14 Calcium oxalate is nearly insoluble in water, and only very slightly soluble in acetic acid, but is readily dissolved by the strong mineral acids .
15 In practice the common mineral acids are employed, or their salts, selecting by preference a salt of the metal which is to be isolated.
16 ''Glyco-proteids'' differ from nucleo-proteids in containing a carbohydrate radical, which is liberated only by boiling with mineral acids or alkalies.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
This collocation consists of: Translations for mineral acid